Supplements and herbal medicine

Supplements and herbal medicine

As for supplements and herbal medicine, I think that there are many people who thinks which one to drink. Oriental medicine is also one of the methods often used in Japan long ago, and unlike medicine, I think that it is similar to supplements as improving the constitution. I think that there are many people who understand Chinese medicine and supplements somehow feeling similar, but I think that there are many people who do not understand firmly. A Chinese herbal medicine is made by using a plant containing ingredients with medicinal effects, in other words, it is a medicine for a long time. Looking at treatments of various people for a long time, which one is effective Together we mix plant materials and make it. Recently Kampo medicine has been positioned as a medicine and cases increasingly admit it based on scientific basis are increasing. Some traditional Chinese medicines are made using natural plants, some people think that they can take it with confidence, but Western medicine uses plants with medicinal effect, so prescribe properly If you do not use it, it is said to be poisoned or there are cases where side effects appear, so be careful. On that point, although supplements are similar to traditional Chinese medicine, since supplements are positioned as foods rather than medicines, they do not consider safety as much as medicine, and they are not used for treatment. Most cases are used for keeping health and improving constitution. In traditional Chinese medicine and supplements, some Chinese medicines work better, and some supplements feel that it is ineffective, but it is not so. Although supplements are not in the first place used for treatment, they are not medicines, so it is not in terms of immediate effect, but some Chinese medicines have immediate effect, others have immediate effect It comes from various things. Both Chinese herbal medicine and supplements are similar, but it seems that supplements are less effective in that they are not medicine positions. You may try the Chinese herbal medicine, and if you drink supplements, you may wonder which one you want to cure for yourself has been improved, try using it and comparing it. Since there are many cases in which the effect appears by continuing to drink continuously, please continue to drink for a while and try to compare Kampo and supplements.